Friday, January 9, 2009


So I wake up this morning, come downstairs to the kitchen and my brother is eating pizza and watching this movie I haven't seen in ages. It's called "The Wizard"...think about it hard...I know you know what movie it is...Here are some hints, Fred Savage...Jenny Lewis (aka Rilo Kiley) clue the Nintendo Power Glove. Anyways it came out in 1989 and while watching this I remembered a game show from back in the day...VIDEO POWER. Mind you I was super young but I used to watch all the good shows like G.I. Joe and Mask and Transformers with the older brother. Anyways so the premise of VIDEO POWER is that two unassuming kids dolled up in neon STREET VISION WEAR (WHAAA!?) go head to head in video game challenges and the winner gets to run through a maze of video games, a shopping spree of sorts. Anyways, I found a clip of it...someone get rich and bring this shit back to prime time.

Video power game show 8

"Video Power skateboard, only one of its kind...until we get one tomorrow"(HA)


  1. Hi Pat!!! Glad to see you've joined us in blogger world. holla!

  2. Hahahahaha YEAAAHHHHHHH BABAY. You're goin on mine too. =)

  3. hahaha dude I've never seen this show before. The guy is INTEEEEEEEEEEEEENSE.

  4. hey patty!! love the blog so far!! whatever happen to "shit blogs" buahahahaa!!

  5. PAT!!!!! you have a bloggy blog yeah!
