Tuesday, March 17, 2009

G-Hetto Studio on 42nd AVE...aka Home

So I recently procured a soft box from my old boss at the gallery and that spurred a photo project. I cleaned out part of our garage and zip tied the soft box to an old Ikea lamp then zip tied the lamp set up to the top of the garage. The backdrop I used was the headboard from my bed, so now I dont have a bed frame, but I have a black backdrop for headshots...ill most likely regret this later on. Then the girlfriend came over and we had a test run photo shoot. The results were actually really nice.

For those camera nerds out there...
Item List:
-Nikon D2x
-Nikkor 60mm f/2.8 Macro
-120w true white house bulb
-Guiness Beer
-Bar of Dark Chocolate
-Two piles of wood

"Be thrifty, not covetous."
George Herbert

Thursday, March 12, 2009

So...Why Photography?

As poetic as possible, there is a comforting feeling that one feels knowing that the capture of time means more than the actual moment of capture. It is seeing the world in color and shades of grey, it is seeing the mundane in a way that no one else understands. In many respects photographers are elitists with a soapbox on their back, always thinking that they are capturing a moment that is so momentous that others cannot even understand it. The honesty that photographs hold are only rivaled by the intensity of silence, the kind of silence that hovers around the casket of a strangers funeral. It is this honesty that I have fallen in love with. Perhaps that is why when I see a photograph that takes my breath away, it breaks down my every emotion, it is more powerful that just an image, it is a moment of reality no matter how beautiful or terrible it may be. I will never take photography as just a hobby or profession but my way of repaying my debt to humanity. So for all of you out there that wish to be swimsuit photographers or Victoria Secret photographers, it is a noble and worthy position but never forget the power of photography. Your passion behind the lens can capture the beautiful shape and aura of the female body, but you also have the power to capture all the truth in the world.

Here are a select few pieces of work by my hero’s...

Henri Cartier-Bresson

James Nachtwey

Ansel Adams

"It's weird that photographers spend years or even a whole lifetime, trying to capture moments that added together, don't even amount to a couple of hours."
-James Laropui Keivom